The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) reports that a William “Lee” Newton encountered a bigfoot at his cabin near the Stanislaus National Forest in Avery, California. Said Newton: “I heard a noise in the back woods of our cabin. Our friend’s dog alerted at the exact same time. I had a spotlight in my hands because we were out letting the dog go to the bathroom when we heard the noises. I rushed to the back of the property. When I reached the back fence, I was able to put the spotlight onto a light brown “animal” running away from me. More dogs in the direction this “animal” was running started barking after it was out of sight of me and my light. I have seen many deer, and a few bears here. This was HUGE compared to them. I estimate at minimum 8 feet tall. I was about 100 feet away or so.”
In a follow-up report BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker said, “Lee first heard, and then saw, a very tall light brown figure running away from his cabin property just before 9pm. By happenstance he had a spotlight in hand because he was taking a dog outside to relieve itself. The first flashing glimpse of something big and brown-furred occurred when the figure was only 20-30 yards away. Lee lit it up only briefly then he moved as quick as he could toward where he saw it. By the time Lee reached that spot and then landed the spotlight beam again on the fleeing creature, it was nearly 100 yards away. He got a better look the second time. It was definitely upright and very tall but could not see more detail than that. He is sure that it was not a deer or bear. He is estimating the height being over 8 feet tall (closer to 9 feet tall) based on a particular big tree it ran beside.” (BFRO.net, 11 Oct 2024)