The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) reports that an Illinois truck driver encountered a bigfoot walking down the highway southwest of the city of Peoria. Said Gary Rutherford in his report: “I’m a truck driver. I drive Route 9 between Glasford and Canton six days a week. On October 5 at about 6 am I was heading towards Canton. Walking towards the side of the road as if it was trying to cross the road, was a very tall brown creature with a lot of fur. [It was] about 8 feet tall with very large yellow glowing eyes. …It was 6 am, but very dark still. The conditions were clear no rain or anything. … Around the area there’s a lot of fields and grass and fishing ponds and lakes. Right near a wildlife park.”
In a follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker he said: “I spoke with witness Gary Rutherford at length. He works as a truck driver and was not shy to let his name be published with his report. He knows what he saw. He drives this same route four times per day, six days per week. He drives for a private trucking company contracted to the US Postal Service. The trucking company transports loads of mail between postal centers in various nearby towns. He rises at 4am to begin work early. The exact time of the incident was closer to 5:50 am. On weekdays he says there is a lot more vehicles on this highway compared to Saturday morning at this same time. This incident occurred on a Saturday morning.” (BFRO.net, 5 Oct 2024)