Bigfoot Raids a Chicken Coop in Northern Maine
19 Dec 2023
A report to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) from a woman named Michelle said that on the night of December 18, 2023 a severe windstorm took out the power at her home near Blaine, Maine, which is only 3.5 miles from the Canadian border. Michelle and her two daughters, grandchildren and a family friend were riding out the storm at home and entertaining the kids with shadow puppets.
Matthew Moneymaker of BFRO says that shortly after power was lost, an object struck the window. Michelle grabbed a flashlight and held it flush against the glass, so she could see if a branch had hit the house in the strong wind. Then she heard a long whooping sound followed by a growl in conjunction with the strong winds. She got up, pointed the flashlight flush with the glass again, so it would illuminate outside and not reflect at her. Looking towards her chicken coop, Michelle observed a giant black figure on two legs silhouetted against the coop. She was not able to observe facial features, but the figure was looking towards the house, then turned and quickly walked into the woods.
Michelle’s two daughters were downstairs with her and their children. Earlier that night, unable to charge her phone, her daughter Colby walked out to her car, turned it on and plugged in her phone. As she sat briefly, she had an uncomfortable feeling and headed back inside. After some time, she walked back outside to retrieve her phone from the car. As she was walking back inside, she heard a howl and looked up and saw a tall, black, hulking figure standing in the doorway to their chicken coop. Its head reached as high as the gutters, making it approximately 8 to 8-1/2 feet tall. It was 10 to 15 yards away from her.
She ran back inside, turned to her sister Amber and said, “There is a giant outside,” grabbed her baby and went upstairs.
Their farm had started out early in 2023 with 30 chickens and 7 turkeys. Over several months, they were down to 10 chickens and 1 turkey. They have not seen bodies or blood, only feathers. On their property they also have apple trees and raspberry bushes by the pond near their home. (, 19 Dec 2023)