Wood Knocks in Texas near the Louisiana Border
4 Dec 2023
A report to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) from a bow hunting woman named Samantha said she was with her 13-year-old son, Wyatt, at a deer stand in the pine forest near their house in eastern Texas in the vicinity of the town of Buna near the Louisiana border. There they heard strange wood knocking in November of 2023.
Said Samantha in the BFRO report: “My son and I were hunting the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Right before dark we heard a pig being killed. There was a lot of squealing. We have hunted our entire lives and are familiar with the noises pigs make. There was about 45 seconds of it screaming insanely before the noise just stopped. The woods went dead silent. It was probably about 130 yards from where we were sitting. We thought a cougar got the pig because there is one in the area.
“A few minutes later a doe and two yearlings came running out of the woods. The doe is blowing and stomping. She runs toward the wood line then back toward the field again. She then moves along the wood line toward the west about 100 yards, and does the same thing—run toward the woods then away from the woods frantically. The yearlings were on her tail the whole time. …I have hunted this property since I was eight years old. This was not normal behavior. After the deer entered the woods, a span of maybe seven minutes from when we heard the pig squealing, we hear what sounded like wood on wood knocks. It knocked four or five times.”
Samantha then says her son asked her what that was, and she tried to respond, “Before I can finish saying that, we heard a response of four or five more knocks off to our northwest. The original sounds came from the northeast and they were in the same tone but little further away.”
Samantha says that her son said, “Mom it’s time to get out of here.” She told him to be quiet, and listen. Then they heard four or five more knocks coming from the north. It was getting dark and her son was trembling in fear and his teeth were chattering.
Said Samantha in the report, “There is a slew [sic] that runs in the back of the property. We killed six boars the week prior and I dragged them out in the woods northwest of where we were hunting, at about 320 yards from our stand sets. A lot of those pigs were gone. …We are sitting there in the deer stand, listening. I don’t even know how to describe what we heard. It wasn’t whoops or howls. It was more like some thing kind of talking, but not English and not human sounding. It was a deep warbling growling voice. It was very peculiar, scared us both so bad that we jumped out of the deer stand and took off.” (bfro.net, 4 Dec 2023)