Loud Wood Knocks Reported South of Cleveland
30 Apr 2023
The Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) database reports that on April 29, 2023, loud wood knocks were heard on the Hinckley Reservation of the Cleveland Metro Parks, near the town of Hinckley, south of Cleveland. The witness said he was looking for mushrooms on trails south of Hinckley Lake, Ohio: “Very few people back where I was. Heard rustling thru brush below me. I was walking a ridgeline above and east of creek. Noise was below my position. I froze and scanned area. No sighting but I heard a very distinct wood knock. Just one. Like a bat hitting a tree. No wind. I’ve heard trees clanging together in wind. Very distinct. Only one woman and dog farther down trail. Two people on horses went up Ridgeline to the east shortly after. Never heard sound like this in woods.” (bfro.net, 30 Apr 2023)