Bigfoot Seen Near Heflin, Alabama
Feb 2023
The Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) database reports that on two nights in February 2023, a woman and her husband heard strange sounds. They laughed about how they sounded like the Bigfoot sounds on television shows. Said the woman in her report: “The 3rd night at dusk we were on our carport looking into the woods that border our property in Heflin (Cleburne County) Alabama. We saw what looked like bigfoot peeking around a tree at us. We watched it for approximately 5 minutes as it appeared to look at us from the left then the right (of the tree trunk). I dismissed it as being a distortion with the trees and wind. I turned to go into the house and looked back and distinctly saw what could only be bigfoot running away. I yelled for my husband and he also saw it running away. It had our hearts beating wildly and the hair standing up on our arms. There was no mistaking what we saw!”
BFRO director Mathew Moneymaker said on the site: “I spoke with both witnesses. They are very credible seniors who observed this bigfoot in daylight at ~150 feet distance for a few minutes as it peeked around a tree at them. They could not see the whole body at that point. Right as the couple was turning to walk away the bigfoot began running away. The couple could see the whole body as it ran away back into the stand of trees. Both the husband and wife said the figure must have stood approximately 8 feet tall, and its fur was very dark.” (, Feb 2023)