BFRO Releases Top Ten States for Bigfoot Sightings
27 Aug 2022
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), founded by Matt Moneymaker in the mid-1990s, includes 500 people who review reported sasquatch sightings throughout North
America. Moneymaker said the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) has received nearly 75,000 reports of bigfoot sightings over the years, but only considers between 5,000 and 6,000 of those to be “credible.” “A lot is based on the strength of the actual sighting,” said Moneymaker, who also hosted “Finding Bigfoot” on Animal Planet. BFRO also doesn’t consider secondhand accounts (like those presented on podcasts) in their official count. BFRO investigators must speak with an eyewitness before they can determine whether a reported sighting makes the list.
That said, BRFO has recorded roughly 5,500 “credible” reports since the mid-90s, with sightings in every U.S. state aside from Hawaii. Of course, some places are more “squatchy” than others. These are the states with the most sightings since the BFRO’s inception, according to the organization:
1. Washington: 708
2. California: 459
3. Florida: 337
4. Ohio: 318
5. Illinois: 302
6. Oregon: 257
7. Texas: 253
8. Michigan: 225
9. Missouri: 166
10. Georgia:139
Certain other states, meanwhile, have had drastically fewer sightings. The states with the least, according to the BFRO, include Hawaii (0), Connecticut (5), Delaware (5), North Dakota (6) Alaska and Nevada. (BFRO, 27 Aug 2022)