June 2021
In 2020, New Yorkers reported 113 bigfoot sightings, according to Microsoft News. For some north country residents, bigfoots are believed to be residing in their backyards.
On June 20 at about 11:30 pm, Massena resident Michael Guimond was driving home on County Route 37 when he spotted what he said was “Something bipedal ran across the road within 50 feet of my car, and was extremely fast,” Guimond went on to say that “the thing was brown or gray, shaggy and had arms and legs that moved in a circular motion. I was going 60, as it crossed the road from right to left in less than a second.
It was also the same night that a slew of sightings from other people within the area reported.
In 2011 Aric Lauzon lived at his Louisville home from 2011 to 2015, and he noted before he lived at the home, he was not a bigfoot believer. That all changed in 2011 when Lauzon reported strange screaming coming from the woods at the back of my house, which went on for miles and miles. I was out there a couple of nights walking my dog when I kept hearing the loud screaming noise. It sounded like nothing I have ever heard before in my life. It sounds like a mix between an elephant and a bear, it goes right through you, it’s deafening.”
Lauzon also noted that the summer of 2013 was when it started getting bad,” Lauzon said. “Every night I would hear this thing screaming. One day I came home from work at 8 a.m. and my neighbors were all outside. While I was at work, a large hairy creature ran through my yard … and destroyed my birdhouse. Big footprints were found on Lauzon’s yard and hair stuck in the fence.”
Dean Gleason, director of Seaway Valley Bigfoot Research was contacted and conducted a week-long investigation. Gleason began Seaway Valley Bigfoot Research for people to report sightings and experiences they have had. I used to have a sasquatch sticker on my Jeep, and I had 40 to 50 people come up to me throughout the community and tell me their stories.
With ten years of research under his belt, Gleason believes the animals are harmless unless provoked. He related that “I’ve only ever had one get aggressive with me.” I’ve been in the woods with a lot of them and they’ve always left me alone.”
With the assistance of the DEC, Gleason ventured back into the woods around 3 am,” Lauzon said. “They were doing tree knocks and the thing was doing tree knocks back. One of them threw a rock into the brush and a minute later something threw the rock back at them and let out a huge roar.”