Bigfoot on Camera in Washington State Again
January 2020
Bigfoot is on the move in the mountains of Washington, if the highway cameras are to be believed. On January 23, two days after images of an unexplained figure on Sherman Pass drew a flurry of attention, the state’s transportation agency tweeted a video from Snoqualmie Pass that was even more interesting than the earlier photo. The 31-second clip, recorded on the Interstate 90 wildlife bridge, shows a bulky humanoid figure striding across the snow. Before disappearing over the crest, it stops and momentarily looks back toward the camera in a move very similar to the famous 1967 Patterson film. The still images from Sherman Pass showed what seemed to be an upright figure on a hill above Highway 20 in the state’s northeast corner. One concludes after watching the video that it is either a bigfoot or someone dressed in bigfoot costume, rather than a bear or other animal. Snoqualmie Pass, a 40 mile drive east from the Seattle area, is about 200 miles from Sherman Pass. (The Mercury News)