WSDOT Camera Captures Images that ‘Might be Sasquatch’
January 2020
On January 23, 2020, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) said in their twitter account that a camera on Sherman Pass captured images of something that might be a bigfoot. News reports in Portland, Oregon said the Washington State Department of Transportation are scratching their heads a bit after seeing something strange on one of their cameras. The agency tweeted photos showing a bipedal dark figure standing by a tree. The WSDOT tweeted: “Sasquatch spotted!!! I’m not superstitious… just a little ‘stitious. Have you noticed something strange on our Sherman Pass/SR 20 webcam before? If you look closely by the tree on the left there looks to be something… might be Sasquatch… We will leave that up to you!” Later photos from the same camera showed the same image, leading researchers to comment that the bigfoot was frozen to the tree. (KATU Channel 2, Portland, Oregon,