‘Bat-Like’ Flying Humanoid Reported
The website SingularFortean.com reported on January 24, 2019 that a witness and his wife were traveling southbound on a county road, about a mile south of the Prairie Creek Reservoir near Muncie, Indiana, when a huge flying object caught his attention. This occurred at dusk on December 26, 2018.
The winged being that he was observing was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The creature was flying just above treetop level and was easily visible to the witness. His reaction was to slam on his brakes in wonderment, exclaiming to his wife ‘do you see that?’ His wife was shaken by the sudden stop and was unable to react fast enough to see the winged being.
“[He] stated that the being was humanoid in shape with an obvious ‘face,’” investigator Strickler said. “The body had a length of approximately six to seven feet, with bat-like wings that were extremely wide. The being was dark-colored and seemed to glide at a steady speed. He never noticed the flapping of wings while watching the creature.”
According to the witness, the creature’s wings had a leathery texture. He was unable to discern if the creature had any additional limbs beyond its wings, nor could he recognize fine detail in its face.
The creature described by the witness was very similar to other reports of winged humanoids around Lake Michigan, including the stillness of its wings in flight.
“The witness is a military veteran, hunter, trapper and farmer who lives in the immediate area,” Strickler continued. “His knowledge of military flying craft, wildlife and his keen sense of observance was apparent while I talked to him.
This is the latest in a string of flying creature sightings around Lake Michigan that ostensibly began in the spring of 2017, but more historical accounts are being reported as more people become aware of the phenomenon. Many of the sightings are also of something seen only briefly or are described only as a flying creature with few details, which leaves open the possibility that a large bird or bird-like being could explain some encounters.