Strange Creature seen in Kentucky
October 2018
A report from the Lexington Herald Reader on October 24, 2018 said that a woman reported seeing a frightening “creature” on a road outside the eastern Kentucky town of Sandy Hook, prompting an investigation by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO). The group recently released a “follow-up report” that concludes the woman saw something that wasn’t human. Sandy Hook is about 100 miles east of Lexington.
The woman is reported to have seen “a creature” while she was a passenger in her husband’s vehicle, about 7:45 p.m. on October 18. She told the local newspaper, “At some point, I started screaming… ‘There is something in the road!’”
She described the creature as a “walking tree.” The entire encounter lasted only three to five seconds and the animal was nearly 100 feet away, she said. “I’m looking at this thing which is… at least 7 feet tall. It was the color of a tree… It turned its head and looked straight at our car.”
The woman’s husband saw only “a strange shadow, but not the creature,” says the BFRO report. BFRO called the incident a “possible sasquatch was observed at a great distance or in poor lighting.”