Daylight Sighting of Bigfoot in Minnesota
7 Oct 2023
On October 7, 2023, it was reported to BFRO that on the day before, Jeff Stanley and his mother Suzy had observed a bigfoot while grouse hunting near Bena, Minnesota.
Jeff said in the report that they were on Sixmile Like Road in the Mud Goose Management Area when they witnessed a bigfoot. They were traveling down 2127 from east to west when Suzy said, “Woah back up.” Down trail 2266 they saw a bigfoot off the trail in the grassy ditch, and it slowly moved off the trail west to east. They had the impression that it moved in super slow motion.
Said Jeff: “The ditch at the site was three feet down and the grass at the side of the trail was three feet tall and the upper torso was 3-4 feet showing above the grass leaving the bigfoot to be approximately 8-10 feet tall.”
They drove to the spot and both noticed a strong smell of sulfur or rotting vegetation. When Jeff got out of the car he immediately felt the hair on his body stand up. He checked for footprints on the road, but could not see any as the gravel was hard packed. There was a small bit of gravel disturbed on the west side of the shoulder.
The report concluded: “We later got stopped by the local CO [Conservation Officer, aka Game Warden—checks on hunters]. When we mentioned what we had seen and where it was, he remarked that’s where people have been reported [sic] seeing a bigfoot. My mother and I have no doubt that we saw one.” (, 7 Oct 2023)