Experienced Hiker Stalked by Sasquatch in Oregon
6 Feb 2023
An experienced hiker/camper was exploring in Oregon. After about a week on the trail, he began to sense that he was being followed, eventually believing that it was a sasquatch: “I was hiking in the Cascades in Willamette National Forest, Oregon. It was a remote area of the range. On the 7th day of my hike, the hair on the back of my neck started to stand up. I chalked it up to be a mountain lion in the area. But the weird thing was the uneasy feeling never left.
“That night I set up camp, planning to stay put for a few days. That is when I heard the strange howling. It wasn’t wolves or bears or any other animal I had ever heard. The closest thing I could relate it to is the noises primates make. This persisted for the next few nights. Something started rummaging through my campsite soon after. I assumed it was a bear or raccoon.
“But then on the 9th day, I woke up and my food bag was removed from the tree. Something had cut the line through. All my food was gone. I decided to break camp and push forward. I had a few days left until the end of the trail. I could always fish for food.
“The same nightly activities occurred on the 11th night. By that time I was sure that I was being followed. Something started throwing rocks at my tent. For some reason, I lost it. I screamed into the darkness for whatever it was to leave me alone. Hoping it was just some person f*cking with me and maybe they’d leave me the hell alone. Instead, it grew quiet for the first time in nights. Nothing could be heard. Then a scream louder and more vicious than any other night cut through the silence. Then nothing, complete and utter silence again.
“Despite it being quiet I wasn’t able to sleep that night. I just waited. The next day I continued my hike, dead tired, just wanting to get out. The hair on the back of my neck was still standing, and the forest was still quiet. I felt like I was being hunted.
“Towards the end of the day, I sat down to rest before pushing a few more miles when I saw it. Something tall and large, bigger than any man or animal I had seen, sliding through the forest not making a noise. I yelled at it. It turned to look at me. I never got a good look at it through the trees and the brush and it was dark. I threw a rock at it and then pulled my knife. This thing just kept staring at me. I don’t know what kicked in, but I no longer felt scared. Dammit, I was angry and I bluff-charged at the thing. It stepped back a few steps then stopped. I yelled again. This time it took off running to my left. It had long strides and was quite agile.
“I was very tired and made camp there. A night of silence. When I woke up the next day I knew that I had about 10 miles until the end of the trail. Exhausted, hungry, and mentally drained, I made my way out. As I got closer and closer to the end of the trail, the typical forest noises returned. I no longer had this feeling of unease. I got to the trail’s end and sat in my car. I was an emotional wreck.” (PhantomsandMonsters.com, 6 Feb 2023)